Why retailers love DRTV advertising

DRTV or Direct Response TV Advertising is any TV advertisement that encourages a response from the viewer, usually in the form of calling a number or visiting a website.

The purpose of these adverts is to elicit an immediate response to purchase a product or find out more information. While a lot of advertisers are shifting their attention to online marketing campaigns the figures show that TV advertising is still one of the strongest channels. Here we look at why retailers love DRTV advertising.

It gets your brand in front of the consumer

Despite the rise of streaming services, people still love TV and watch it throughout the day. Having a DRTV advertising campaign that’s repeated in a particular timeslot guarantees that your brand will be seen by an audience. Based on channel viewing data and demographics you will be able to find the slot that most fits your target audience, increasing the likelihood of converting your viewers into consumers.

It’s measurable

When implementing a DRTV advertising campaign you are able to measure the response to see if the campaign is a success. You can track sales via phone calls and web orders and attribute them to the campaign based on their timings and where they originate from. If you use specific landing pages and phone numbers in your campaign then you can be sure all responses to those channels can be attributed to your DRTV advertising campaign. This will allow you to work out the £ in sales you generate per £ spent in advertising, a great benchmark for planning future DRTV campaigns.

It integrates well

DRTV campaigns tie in perfectly with other elements of your marketing mix. You can use the same video on your website or at the point of sale if you have a store. As it’s a great way to show the benefits and uses of your product and answer questions it becomes an invaluable video to use on your website and social channels to ensure potential customers fully understand the product. If you have a recognisable DRTV campaign then you can reflect its message and imagery with short social media videos or images, great for showing a less serious side to your company or for tying in with holidays and occasions.

It’s good value

A 30 second spot during the daytime which is primarily when DRTV adverts air is much cheaper than a primetime evening slot, and even if you go for a primetime spot the demographic targeting and instant response your advert will generate mean DRTV can be a very cost-efficient form of advertising.

It boosts your brand

Whilst the purpose of your DRTV advertising campaign may be to showcase a particular product or service, you are still getting your name out there and increasing brand awareness. A well-executed and branded DRTV advert will ensure people remember you name, and if tied in with other marketing channels it can really give you a boost.

Happy Hour are experts in DRTV advertising and have been making campaigns for over two decades, if you would like to talk about how TV or DRTV advertising could help your brand please do get in touch.

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